the 1:1 activation session 

  book now for the special price of £99

Do you feel the same way?

You know you have so much desire and pleasure inside of you but you just can't access it.

You feel stuck but you don't know what to do to create the sexual life you know is possible for you.

 This is actually a fantastic place to be. 

You get to create a new sexual identity right now. 

You get to change the way you may have previously experienced sex . 

Where once it may have been all about penetration, or you do this, they do that and the goal of orgasm…now gasp…it gets to be about you. 

It's your time to create a new sexual experience with yourself and your partner where the emphasis is on YOU getting your needs met and receiving pleasure.

 Because Lord knows what I definitely do not want is your pleasure to be one more thing for the to-do list and one more draw on your precious energy.

You are naturally an orgasmic being. 

Your orgasm is inside of you

what's wrong with you?

Stop believing that there is anything wrong with you. What the vast majority of us have been taught about our bodies and sex is so limited and often completely incorrect. Most of us don’t grow up being taught how our beautiful female bodies and our sexuality actually works.


If we experience a problem we are encouraged to DO something about it, to fix it with vibrators, porn or fantasy. This is not the answer. In fact the answer for women, lies in doing less and BEING more.

We  are required to cultivate a deep resonance with our body. To learn how to FEEL from the inside out. 

The answer lies WITHIN.

Does this sound like you?



It's really hard for you to stop thinking during self pleasure or sex. You are fixated with reaching the goal of orgasm.



You have a lot of desire and you enjoy sex but when it comes to going over into orgasm something stops you. You can feel that inside, you have a huge volcano of pleasure waiting to erupt but you just don't know how to access it.


YOU Can't orgasm without a vibrator OR CAN ONLY HAVE ONE TYPE OF ORGASM

You have had a long relationship with your vibrator and it's the only way you can orgasm. Or you can orgasm in one way or in a certain position and if you try anything else you can't orgasm



It feels like orgasm is so easy for everyone else but for you it all just feels so complicated. You have experienced sexual trauma and had a lot of  unfulfilling experiences. Sex for you has a connection to feelings of shame and unworthiness.

What if I told you it's all so easy, in fact it's actually effortless?

What if you simply haven't yet learnt how to activate the huge potential you have, for pleasure and magic in your pussy?

What if your pussy has been this source of wonder all along but you just haven’t known how to unearth all of her amazing gifts yet?

No idea how POWERFUL she is.

No idea how INTUITIVE she is.

No idea how ORGASMIC she is.

Now is the time to find out.

I can guide you home to yourself and your orgasm and you'll discover how easy and effortless it actually is.


now you can book a one off 60 minute activation session with me. 


you'll also receive a series of practices to use in your self pleasure and partnered sex journey at home.


And who better than me to guide you back from numbness to feeling radiant, in a desire led body?

DISCOVER how to be turned on and lit up

Join me for your activation session






 with orgasm being so difficult AND FEELING LIKE A SEXUAL FAILURE?









your sensitivity is your superpower

Do you ever wonder if you are too sensitive?

Do you feel a lot all the time?

Have you ever considered that this might be a big feature of how you operate sexually too?

In fact, have you ever thought that your sensitivity could actually be your super power sexually?

 It's true that if you are an energetically sensitive being, you can get turned off easily and shut all your pleasure down. 

AND the opposite is also true:

As an energetically sensitive being, you are capable of feeling an INFINITE amount of pleasure. You can access orgasm after orgasm, after orgasm…

This activation session is only available for a limited time

Your 60 minute Activation Session will gift you with...

Learn how to create safe containers for your self pleasure & partnered sex for you to explore & learn who you are sexually

a selection of  practices to take with you to feel more and do less. This means being in your head less and your body more

illumination on what parts of you are creating the resistance (and the process to integrate them) so you can begin to fully embody your radiant sexual self.

a powerful activation of your sexual energy 

an opportunity to connect to your deep intuition and inner feminine knowing through the portal of your pussy and womb

kind words from clients

Anna is an incredible coach and really helped me bring more pleasure into my daily life. She has a gentle and empowering approach and helped me reconnect with my feminine power . The meditations, visualisations and practices she gives in between sessions really helped me to integrate what came up on our Zoom sessions . I would highly recommend Anna to any woman who feels she deserves more pleasure and joy in her life


I have been fortunate enough to work with Anna, who I find so inspiring and empowering. I really feel that ALL women should give themselves the gift of Anna and her sessions. A session with Anna isn’t just about embracing your sexuality and your inner sexual goddess - as wonderful and amazing as that is. It’s about rediscovering your essence and shaking of the labels that have held you back in life. It’s about connecting to the very fabric of who you are and embracing your sexual magic.


Anna has this incredible way of making you feel safe and‘normal’, of just listening to your story and then making this beautiful safe cozy space where you feel welcome and safe and brave.

I have had lots of therapy and counselling in my life but nothing, and no one has come close to what Anna has been able to offer me. Anna showed me how to find my way back to myself. How to be in my body, how to trust myself and love myself. If you want to heal from past trauma I can highly recommend Anna as a portal to a new way of being


 through my sessions with Anna I have changed how I think about myself - I now believe that I do have desires, I know what they are, and I know that my desires are valid, beautiful and worthy - and most importantly, they are my own. I feel more confident in voicing my desires and boundaries to other people. I see the ripple effect of this in other areas of my life too - I feel more confident and trusting of my intuition about what I want from life. 


Anna the Sacred Sex Alchemist


I am a trauma informed sex coach who for many years had a sexual experience that was shaped by shame, alcohol, unworthiness, trauma and a dependance on a vibrator.

I searched for answers in mainstream sex advice which resulted in more frustration and confusion and a further confirmation that there was something wrong with me because my body didn’t work in the way it should.

And so I tried a  different approach. I learnt how to work with energy and I discovered the full depth of my energetic magic.

I discovered practices that taught me how to get out of my head and be present in my body.

I began healing the trauma I was carrying in my body. I felt emotions that had previously felt impossible to feel and debilitating.

I met my inner child and learnt how to transform deeply embedded feelings of unworthiness.

And I discovered a level of sensation and pleasure that I can access whenever I want.

I am the mother of a six year old boy and a seventeen month old boy.

Becoming a mother has been the catalyst for enormous change in my life and in fact the greatest teacher in my relationship with my body and sexuality.

It is now my deepest honour to guide other women in their own journey of sexual reclamation.

Now is the time to claim your juicy, turned on life